Sylius in Headless Cloud Environment

Integrate Sylius to your Cloud

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Sylius is an open-source eCommerce platform built on top of Symfony, a popular PHP framework. Sylius offers a flexible and customizable solution for online merchants, with features such as product catalog, shopping cart, checkout, payments, shipping, taxes, promotions, and more. Sylius also follows the headless architecture, which means that the front-end and the back-end are decoupled and communicate via APIs. This allows developers to use any technology they prefer for the front-end, such as React, Vue, Angular, or even native mobile apps.

At Ardee, we have been using Sylius for some of our projects and clients, and we have contributed to the codebase by adding new features, fixing bugs, and improving performance. Some of the things we have done include:

  • Creating a custom theme and layout for the front-end, using Bootstrap and jQuery
  • Convert existed themes to be compatible with Sylius. Checkout ardeetech/Sylius-Zay-UI ( and ardeetech/Sylius-Hexa-UI (
  • Integrating with third-party service, such as authentication by Authentik (SSO)
  • Developing a RESTful API for the back-end, using the Sylius API Platform bundle
  • Customize Sylius Admin Dashboard with VueJS
  • Integrate with Vue Storefront

One of the challenges our customers faced when using Sylius was how to deploy it in a cloud environment, such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Since Sylius is a monolithic application, it requires a server with PHP, MySQL, and Apache or Nginx installed. This can be costly and difficult to scale, especially when dealing with high traffic and multiple instances. We have managed to make Sylius work with containerized environments, such as Docker or Kubernetes, which are becoming the standard for cloud-native applications. 

We can provide our clients with a fully functional and scalable online store, without the hassle of setting up and maintaining the infrastructure. We can also customize and extend the Sylius features according to the client’s needs and preferences, using the Sylius plugins and bundles. Furthermore, we can monitor and optimize the eCommerce performance, using the data and analytics tools that we have integrated.

If you are interested in learning more about our fork of Sylius and how we use it for our projects and clients, please visit our GitHub repository or contact us at We would love to hear from you and discuss how we can help you with your eCommerce needs.